Weimaraner Club of the Washington D.C. Area
President - Becky Fockler
Vice-President - Gayle Prescott
Treasurer - Paul Lockhart
Secretary - Emily Burdick
Board Members
- Anne Powell
- Tyler Joscelyn
- Renee LaFollette
- Michael Swallop
- Karin Bakken
Welcome to the WCWDCA website!
The Weimaraner Club of the Washington DC Area (WCWDCA) is a non-profit organization founded in 1954 to promote the purebred Weimaraner and to do all possible to bring their natural qualities to perfection. As part of that mission, we conduct the following activities:
AKC Field Trials in Spring and Fall
AKC Specialty Shows, Obedience and Rally Trials in April
AKC All-Breed Agility Trials in May and August
AKC Hunt Tests in Fall and Spring
WCA Retrieving and Shooting Ratings in the Fall
Field Training Sessions during the summer
General membership meetings are throughout the year; the Annual Awards Meeting is usually in February and the Annual Picnic is in June.
Interested in joining the club? Go to the Contacts page for information and to download an application.
Jan 12 - Awards Applications Due
Feb 7 - Photo contest submissions Due
Feb 23, 4:00, Members Meeting, Virtual Zoom
March 14 - 16, Spring Field Trial, Felton, DE
April 19 - 20, Spring Shows, Timonium, MD
TBD (Spring) Eastern Classic Field Trial
May 16 - 18, Agility Trial, Westminster, MD
June, Summer Meeting, Board Elections and TBD Fun Day
July, Aug, Sept - Monthly Field / Water Training Days, Brandywine, MD
August 8 - 10, Agility Trial, Westminster MD
Nov 21 - 23, Fall Field Trail, Wellsville, PA
(usually Oct) Fall Ratings Test, Brandywine, MD
Agility - Anne Powell
Awards - Anne Powell
Education - Open
Field Trial - Becky Fockler
Historian - Open
Hospitality - Open
Hunting Test - Kim Blodgett, Emily Burdick
Field / Water Training Days - Michael Swallop
Newsletter - Open
Obedience - Anne Powell
Ratings - Michael Swallop
Show - Melissa Hampton
Trophy - Open
VFDC&B Delegate - Mariane Herndon
WCA Ambassador - Anne Powell
Manual Revisions - Karin Bakken
Manual Sales - Karin Bakken